[OpenWrt-Devel] How to rebuild exactly 12.09 from source?

Nikolai Zhubr n-a-zhubr at yandex.ru
Sat Jun 21 06:10:18 EDT 2014

Hello people,

Since I'm trying to locate a kenrel panic happening in AA 12.09, I 
thought I'll just rebuild it from source with debuginfo and rerun my 
tests. However, git.openwrt.org/12.09/openwrt.git clearly puts me 
somewhere in between 12.09 and (the unreleased yet) 12.09.1. On the 
other hand, using svn checkout with -r 36088 seems to give 12.09-rc1 
(according to version.mk). Well, of course I could test pre-12.09.1 and 
trunk etc, but I'd first like to locate my problem in the latest 
released version, where I get it. Also, if I build 12.09.1 from source 
now I can not e.g. opkg update/install on the router, because the 
necessary repository is obviously nonexistent yet. So its a bit of a 
mess and I'd like to ask for some hint. And generally, I think some sort 
of instruction on how to _exactly_ reproduce a certain released binary 
version from source (in the wiki maybe) would be nice and appropriate 
for many reasons, especially debugging (Maybe there is one somewhere, 
which I couldn't find, maybe its my fault then...)

Thank you,
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